
Vision - If we are 'learning to live life in all its fullest'; Why do we teach what we teach in Science?

Science is a subject that is essential for children to gain a deeper knowledge of the world around them. We aim to build a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts from each arm of scientific disciplines- biology, chemistry and physics- as well as an understanding of the importance of working scientifically. We aim to provide a stimulating science curriculum that develops children’s natural curiosity, showing pupils that there is a wealth of scientific knowledge out there that can be learned as well developed through enquiry. All pupils will be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They will be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes.


During science lessons, children will be exposed to a variety of scientific topics where they will be encouraged to discuss, theorise and investigate what they are being taught. Each lesson is carefully planned to build on prior knowledge and be explicitly linked to other cross curricular subjects to enable children to remember the knowledge taught, especially those with SEND and disadvantaged pupils. Where possible science is linked with other STEM subjects to develop children’s thinking, problem solving and investigative skills.


Science is taught in all classes, from EYFS to Y6, and follows a carefully planned out programme of study to ensure knowledge is built on and developed. Lessons are designed with high engagement in mind and planned creatively to promote curiosity and independent thinking. While it is important that pupils make progress, it is also vitally important that they develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge and concepts in order to progress to the next stage. Pupils will undergo end of unit ‘quizzes’ to inform future planning of the subject and ensure learning is remembered in the long term. The work given to the pupils is demanding and matches the aims of the national curriculum. Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of each area of science, as well as have opportunities to understand the nature, processes and methods of science. They will be taught how the knowledge they are acquiring has a practical use in their lives today and will impact their future.

Science Curriculum

Science in EYFS at Kilby St- Marys


Pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged pupils, should be happy to talk about their science lessons and be excited to explain what they have found out or proven. Pupils should talk about ideas they have learned about and think critically about how the ideas could be tested or proved. During lessons, they should be able to clearly explain what they’re doing and why. They should be able to link the knowledge that they are currently learning to previous lessons, whether that may be last week, or a previous year. 

Broader Curriculum

The science curriculum promotes elements of SMSC spirituality, morally, socially and culturally. For example, pupils find out about Earth, space, and the universe and their place in it. They get to question and explore why things happen and how things work. Pupils debate and question ‘big’ ideas such as evolution. Topics such as inheritance and evolution emphasise respect for those people who hold different views to those expressed by scientists. During investigations, pupils listen to other’s opinions and ideas about scientific stories, theories or hypotheses. Science provides many cross-curricular learning opportunities, for example, through History by learning about scientists and how concepts develop over the years, along with Maths when collecting and analyzing results and RSE when learning about development of human bodies, keeping healthy and drug education.

What does a good learner look like on leaving Kilby St Mary’s?

Our pupils should leave our school with a deep and broad experience of science through having learnt about; scientists today, scientists in the past and how science impacts our modern daily lives. They should have a thorough background in science, making it easier for them to expand their scientific studies in secondary school. Ideally, teaching the scientific method to students is teaching them how to think, learn, solve problems and make informed decisions. These skills are integral to every aspect of a student’s education and life, from school to career. They are aware of the way science can impact and change the world. Teaching science in primary schools also helps pupils see the opportunity of working for STEM later in life.